The Wise, The Wonderful, The Whimsical: Women

Welcome to Wise Wonderful and Whimsical Women Tell It Straight. The place to ask your questions and get straight answers. Women of all ages are welcome to post, even your toughest questions and your straightest answers. Let's have some fun, let's share what we've learned with one another. All women from all walks of life are welcome to join in.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

How to find a bit more 'me time' in your day.

I thought we should start with something simple and fun. Let's share our secrets gleaned through the years to lessen the demands placed on women of today. We may not make our own soap, use scrub boards to do our laundry, or churn our own butter but even with all our technology to help us out, women of today are swamped. We wear so many hats we need our own "hatters", and some days we feel we may go "as mad as a hatter".

I recently coined a phrase "There is no shame in Swiffering". Some say using "Swiffer" products is cheating. I remember one friend saying: "The only way to mop is on your hands and knees. My floors are clean enough to eat off of."
Personally I don't often serve breakfast, lunch or dinner on the floor. Like most modern women of today, I prefer dishes. My favorite "Swiffer" product is the 360 degree duster. Our home is 3400 sq feet, if I didn't "Swiffer" I would be a slave to keeping it clean. I start at the top and work my way down and when the duster is about ready for a refill I use it on my floors. It is absolutely fabulous for getting into those low tough to reach places and even full of dust the thing is a hair magnet.

So remember no matter which hat you are wearing today: wife, mom, sister, daughter, aunt, grandmother, granddaughter, teacher, nurse, chauffeur, chief financial officer, personal shopper, coach, chef, friend, referee, or CEO, first and foremost you are a woman. To be your best get to know and nourish yourself first, otherwise you will come in last.


  1. I am a big me time advocate.. no fear in swiffering and no shame in having a housekeeper,, I work 6 days a week the last thing I want to do is clean on my day off. I have also given up on cooking, 26 years of marriage and raising kids, has now given me the freedom to let go of what people think I should be doing and do what I want out of love not obligation. I am spending my time on school, career, friends and life, and I even manage time for meditation and yoga,,, time is so limited, I plan on looking back with few regrets...

  2. ny girl,
    You have a great outlook. Family, friends and life are so important and I am glad to hear you fit so much into living. Thank you for your valuable feedback!
